Monday, September 5, 2011


Friends Society Newsletter INVOLVE


You are member of Friends Society - you received information about FS, which inspired you and led to your involvement with FS.

Now you have this chance - bring out the Writer /  Journalist in you - contribute to this blog.

Compared to traditional Newsletters which are composed, edited and printed out on paper, a blog is more flexible and allows everyone to contribute - a blog is easily available to anyone who has a Computer and Internet - it caters to a global community.

The blog post allows you to format text in different ways, in different colours, add images, videos, links - you can also write in different languages. Once you write and post,  it is immediately available to everyone to see and read and comment upon.

Please provide your comments / suggestions - for improving and enhancing the blog.

1 comment:

  1. The whole blog is divided into pages - the pages are listed on the right hand side, under the heading " Pages ". You click on the Page Headings and you can see the content, and also leave comments. As the creator of the blog, I am the default Administrator. To post any content you need to join as member first and I will invite you to contribute, if you provide your E-Mail address, which has to be GMAIL only.

    Viswanath V
